Opening Session: Strengthening Data Production and Analysis for Resilient, Inclusive and Better Performing Education Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa
Location: Amphitheatre
Master of Ceremonies:
- Dr Maïmouna SISSOKO TOURE, Coordinator of the KIX Africa 21 Centre
- Dr Victoria Kanobe KISAAKYE, KIX Africa 19 Secretariat Focal Point, UNESCO IICBA
- Mona LAROUSSI, IFEF Director
- Dr. Quentin WODON, Director of IICBA UNESCO
- Ms Mariatou KONE, Minister of Education, Côte d'Ivoire
Official opening speeches:
- Mr. Slim KHALBOUS, Rector of the AUF (Virtual) (3 Mins)
- Ms. Lieke VAN DE WIEL, UNICEF ESARO Deputy Regional Director (3 Mins)
- Mrs. Caroline ST-HILAIRE, Administrator of the OIF (Virtual) (3 Mins)
- Prof. Abdel Rahamane BABA-MOUSSA, Secretary General of CONFEMEN (3 Mins)
- Dr. Adoumtar NOUBATOUR, African Union (3 Mins)
- Dr. Marie GLORIOSE, Regional Director, West and Central Africa, IDRC
- Ms. Margarita FOCAS LICHT, Global Partnership for Education (3 Mins)
- Canadian High Commissioner to Cote d'Ivoire
- HE Patrick ACHI, Prime Minister of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, Representative of the President of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire (3 Mins) (TBC)